
A Clockwork Orange

A review by Mike Shea   Movie Rating: ( * * * * · )    DVD Rating: ( * · · · · )

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Ok, a lot of people really dont like this movie. It is a truly twisted look at a near future we dont want to see. It follows a young lad who somewhere along the line has turned into an evil beyond evil. His above average intelligence is used to lead a pack of rogues as they terrorize their city just simply for the fun of it. After his capture, he is conditioned and turned into a tool for two political parties, a libertarian and republican, who twist him for their own gain. While it is painful at points, the first half is incredibly done. The humorous look at the extreme violence and the perfect mix of music, camera work and script really bring this picture way out of the norm. Alics action to regain the leadership of his droogs at chapter 13 (the mix of slow motion ultra-violence done to a backdrop of a little Ludwig Van) as well as the sex scene (some of the old in-out) done to Paul Reveres Ride are perfect examples. The latter half of the movie (from when he is captured on) is really pretty dull and the scenes seem to stretch a bit too far. The first part truly has a foothold as perfectly unique film. The DVD is pretty shabby. It is not 16x9 enhanced (matted at 1.66 to 1) and only a mono soundtrack. This is one film that could really do with a digital revision. Still, it is probably the most bizarre film Kubrick ever made, and is worth owning if you can stomach it.