
Midnight Cowboy

A review by Mike Shea   Movie Rating: ( * * · · · )    DVD Rating: ( * * · · · )

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I guess this was kind of a movie of the times. A movie that pushed the limits of film back in the 70s when it was done. For me it really didnt say much. A small town husler goes to New York City and meets up with a streetsmart loser. They become friends and try to make the best of what the New York underworld has to offer. John Voight isnt too bad, Dustin Hoffman did a much better job in the Graduate. The DVD is not 16x9 enhanced, but does have a remastered Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack. The disc had no extras worth mentioning. Overall, I call this one a draw. It didnt totally suck, but it just wasnt a movie I gained anything from. The end was kind of touching, but that was about it.