To sleep with a man and lie to him? She's a woman. She's got all the training she needs.
A review by Mike Shea Movie Rating: ( * * * · · ) DVD Rating: ( * * * · · )
Buy Mission Impossible 2 from
Hard Boiled and Face/Off, it just cannot compare.
The DVD has one serious flaw that will cost it two stars. It has a 16x9 enhanced picture, Dolby Digital 5.1 sound and a directors commentary, but no trailer. That beautiful trailer never appears anywhere on the disc. There are a couple of bonus features including a parody of the movie, but the lack of the trailer cannot be excused. This shouldn't stop you from buying it if you are a fan, it is an excellent transfer of the film.
MI2 is a movie I am forcing myself to like. I am such a huge fan, that I was initially disappointed, but if I watch it in the light as a fun little spy movie, it is at least bearable and the action really is good. To be honest, if you take the first half of Soldier and the last half of this, you would have one excellent movie. On its own, it isn't bad but had a lot more potential than it was able to fill.