A review by Mike Shea Movie Rating: ( * * * * · ) DVD Rating: ( * * · · · )
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I have a real soft spot for independent movies. With all the normal Hollywood shlock that comes out, I really like the refreshing feel of true creativity that comes from indies. Six String Samurai had me a the first textual intro. Basically America has been nuked, Elvis was King of America until his recent death and numerous weapon wielding guitar players plan on taking his place including Death and our hero, Buddy. We are taken on a humorous and surrealistic journey much like the Road Warrior. You get some cool slow car chases, some strange mutant folks, and some excellent sword slashing. The movie is pretty wild at times and the music helps keep up the overall beat. The DVD is not 16x9 enhanced but does have a pretty good 5.1 Dolby Digital soundtrack. There are a couple of extras but nothing really good. Overall it is a great change from the norm and a fun movie overall. Definitely check it out if you like to break the mold.